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Showing posts from August, 2021

what's the message here ?

 Most people have never heard of matching up the entire books of Matthew and Revelation in the Bible. This points out an important aspect of how God operates. God does things that we do not see coming. No one saw Jesus coming. No one would kill God, other than Satan. But the religious leaders became convinced that killing Jesus was the only choice. It is highly unlikely that Joseph and Mary who raised Jesus realize that Jesus was actually God. Jesus followers and apostles did not realize that Jesus was God. The Jewish leaders in Jerusalem did not realize Jesus was God. Everyone was looking for a messiah, but Jesus was not what they were looking for. The old testament was very vague and filled with information in parable format. Frankly it was impossible to tell what kind of Messiah they were really looking for. And that brings up another good point, today we don't know what we're looking for. Some people expect one thing many people expect nothing. And we don't know how to