Listen to the Bible being read all night long, every night for the rest of your life. You need a Apple or Android phone. It doesn't have to have phone service, but needs the Tecarta Bible App loaded. The Tecarta Bible App is on both App stores. Let's do it. Next: Next: Next: Next: Next:
Matthew 12:1-24 and Revelation 9 match up. The conceptual match is that Jesus is opposed by the religious leaders and in Revelation evil creatures attack and kill humans. There is a two part structural match. Matthew 12:1-14 & Revelation 9:1-11 Matthew 12:15-24 & Revelation 9:12-21 firstly: Matthew starts with the disciples eating wheat in a field. Revelation starts with locusts being released. Locusts destroy crops by eating them in the field. In Matthew Jesus gives an example of a sheep falling in a pit and being lifted out. In Revelation the locusts are released out of a bottomless pit. The first structure ends with the religious leaders seeking to destroy Jesus. And in Revelation it ends with the word Apollyon. In Greek the word destroy and Apollyon are the same word. Second structure: Jesus heals all that come to him, but in Revelation four horses are released to slay a third of men. In Matthew Jesus doesn't quench a smoking flax, but in Revelation people ...